Women’s Outfits for Work Conference

Hello, here are some women’s outfits to wear for a work conference. I am going to a five day conference this summer so I have been planning outfits for. It is more comfortable business casual. I want to look presentable and be comfortable. The conference starts early and goes late.

Day 1

I think I watched a video saying parachute pants was one fashion item not to purchase this year but I love them. So much I have them in both colors. Here are a Amazon version. I love these shoes, I have the Birkenstock ones without a strap (I’m not sure if they sell them anymore so I found these). You never know what the temperature will be, so I have this blue jacket. This shirt is amazing.

Day 2

This dress is perfect packable work conference dress. I love these simple black shoes. The black sweater is amazing. It’s a great piece to keep in your closet.

Day 3

I have these blue pant’s they are super comfortable. Here is an Amazon option for the blue pants. I paired these with same slide on shoes because if you are traveling you don’t want to pack a bunch of shoes. This flower t-shirt is cute make sure you order closest to your size for a more professional look. You can use the blue jacket again today.

Day 4

I am trying to keep colors similar sticking with blue and black. Here are some great black dress pants and I love this shirt I own it in another color. Here is an Amazon option for the black shirt. With the black shoes. For you extra layer today it would depend on if the black sweater would fit over the shirt because it is a little bit fitted. If not then the blue jacket would be perfect.

Day 5

On the last day of the conference you could wear the blue jumper. Pear it with the blue jacket. It’s important to have comfortable shoes for walking.

Check out this blog post for more outfit ideas. Here is a School Counselor outfits.

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