For the past two years, we have been using ribbon to jazz up our Christmas tree. We have an eclectic ornament collection. My in-laws get us some yearly from our travels, and my husband and I have a few from our childhood. Also we started a tradition that we each get an ornament in our stocking. I will say I was trying to cut some cost this year. I did not buy ornaments because we do have a lot. However when we first got married we didn’t it was nice way to build up. Also with my niece and nephew we decorated ornaments which was fun and we put them on the tree.
Ribbons: simple red stripe (not on my tree but great for presents) Black Velvet , Red Ribbon, and Gold Velvet, Blue from last year.
Ornament Craft: I got the ones we used from Hobby Lobby last year. Here are the ones I used at work for a craft, with these, it is easy to use paint markers, one with more colors. For acrylic paint, I like this set that comes with paintbrushes.