This is what we are doing this year for holiday pajamas in 2022. We decided on wearing pajama bottoms from last year and just update the tops for the adults and teen. The kids will get a new pajama set. Unfortunately most of what we have is sold out, I will link what hasn’t. However, below I put together some other choices.
I have updated this in 2023. To show that you can take a color scheme and update it. I left the old pictures and uploaded new pictures with similar looks. Check out my 2023 pajama outfits here.
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Reindeer PJ, Star PJ (updated link of different option), Sweatshirt (updated link same color says Love). Which is so comfortable), Men’s T-shirts 2023 they always go fast, Headband not pictured in updated picture but still available)
All the links above are sold out.
Here is updated links that go with the picture below. Kids PJ new option, Flower, baby, green men’s Nation Lampoon’s T-shirt, Car’s t-shirt