Here’s a simple way to fill stockings for Christmas. I usually put an orange in it. My dad use to do it when I was growing up. One of my favorite Christmas books was “The Sweet Smell of Christmas” by Patricia M. Scarry. One of the smells in the orange in the stocking. My dad stockings for us now are in a grocery sack with gum, dried fruit snacks, and jerky. We all love it. My mom has always done smaller gifts individually wrapped. My mother in law does little trinkets, ornament from there travels, chocolate, nuts and change in how many years they have been married. I have a list of what we do below but it is useful items. All different takes on stockings and love them all. Below I have also put together some sample stockings.
To save money I buy a pack of toothbrushes and divide them into the different stockings. Same with the snack or fun toy sometimes they come in a bundle so I divide them. Actually, my daughter and I wear the same size socks so I could divide those too if I wanted to. A good example of this is the kid’s stockings shown below.
The ornaments are usually towards the interests. My daughter is very into everything, Corgi. My son had fun cutting down trees with my dad and his uncle this summer, so his ornament is a chainsaw. Last year, my son’s ornament was a basketball because he joined the basketball team. I started the ornaments because we didn’t have many for our tree, so it was a way to build it over time.
Stocking for her- (Socks, Jumbo Scrunchie, Lighter, Ornament, Sticker book, Fruit)
Teen/Tween Stocking- Socks, Candy, Ornament, Underwear, Hair bow, Earrings and Toothbrushes
Teen/Tween boys- My son got into Jelly Belly’s over the summer so that’s his snack. (Fidget pin, underwear, socks, toothbrushes, ornament)
I usually do it the cotton candy for my kids, candy, underwear, socks, fidget, toothbrushes, bath bomb and ornament)
Fidget, ornament, socks, underwear, toothbrush, cotton candy, and bath bomb